Monday, February 06, 2006

Getting goofed up by Google - Goofled

Today I was shocked to learn that the first tones of freedom do not exist on Google. On closely investigating, I found that Google bots had removed my site info from their active crawl session. Reasons for it were
1. I screwed my meta information.
2. I also put my site meta info, which exceeded 840 words.
3. Many of words were repeatd and so, GoogleBots thought this to be spamming.

Google even removed my page from their cache. However, I still managed to pull up one page from Google huge collection of cache servers. Click here to see that cached page. This page contains my recent posts.

And, as if this was enough, I also managed to delete my blogspot tempelate. Again, I was in trouble. But this time, Amazons came to my rescue. See how views me.
After lot of searching to multiple search engines cache's, I finally managed to locate my recent posts, and you are able to see the first tones of freedom, in a form you always like to see.

Lessons learnt during this worlout
1. Real men do not backup their web pages. They just let the search engine take cache of their pages.
2. Even if Google cannot find your page in a cache, dont panic. There are number of Google caches available. Just replace the IP addr of Google cache. One of such cache's IP addr is
Even takes results from google, and good news is that it has latest entries most of time. So, if google screws you up, try's cache.
3. But make sure that your site has got good content. Remember - more the people click your site, more fast the site gets indexed.

Even Google can get Goo'f'led sometimes !!